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Reality Transurfing presents an exciting new model by which we may better understand the way we can free. Practical value. Reality transurfing in 78 days. Personajes de pedro el escamoso. 78 Days Practical Transurfing. Take our free Indigo Child. My favorite moments reading non-fiction are when a book bitchslaps my brain and reconfigures my. Transurfing PDF download.3 “Reality Transurfing”. Vadim Zeland 78 Days Practical Transurfing. Free woodworking books.

Author by: Vadim Zeland Languange: en Publisher by: John Hunt Publishing Format Available: PDF, ePub, Mobi Total Read: 76 Total Download: 793 File Size: 47,8 Mb Description: Transurfing Reality was one of the top non-fiction bestsellers in the world in 2005 and 2006. Unknown till now in the West, the series has sold over 1,300,000 copies in Russia in three years. This translation (by Natasha Micharina) describes a new way of looking at reality, indeed of creating it.

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It provides a scientific explanation of the laws that help you do this, building up a scientific model, speaking in detail about particular rules to follow and giving important how-to tips, illustrated with examples. The author introduces a system of specific terms, notions, and metaphors, which together make a truly convincing, thought-provoking theory of creating your own life.

“You are ruled by circumstances and it will always be like that until you learn how to manage your reality,” says the author. Bringing together the cutting edge of modern science and philosophical teaching, the book's style is popular-scientific, metaphorical and conversational. Books in the series: Reality Transurfing 1: The Space of Variations; Reality Transurfing 2: A Rustle of Morning Stars; Reality Transurfing 3: Forward to the Past; Reality Transurfing 4: Ruling Reality; Reality Transurfing 5: Apples Fall to the Sky. Author by: Vadim Zeland Languange: en Publisher by: John Hunt Publishing Format Available: PDF, ePub, Mobi Total Read: 56 Total Download: 826 File Size: 44,9 Mb Description: Transurfing Reality was one of the top non-fiction bestsellers in the world in 2005 and 2006. Unknown till now in the West, the series has sold over 1,300,000 copies in Russia in three years. This translation (by Natasha Micharina) describes a new way of looking at reality, indeed of creating it. It provides a scientific explanation of the laws that help you do this, building up a scientific model, speaking in detail about particular rules to follow and giving important how-to tips, illustrated with examples.

The author introduces a system of specific terms, notions, and metaphors, which together make a truly convincing, thought-provoking theory of creating your own life. “You are ruled by circumstances and it will always be like that until you learn how to manage your reality,” says the author. Bringing together the cutting edge of modern science and philosophical teaching, the book's style is popular-scientific, metaphorical and conversational. Books in the series: Reality Transurfing 1: The Space of Variations; Reality Transurfing 2: A Rustle of Morning Stars; Reality Transurfing 3: Forward to the Past; Reality Transurfing 4: Ruling Reality; Reality Transurfing 5: Apples Fall to the Sky. Author by: Vadim Zeland Languange: en Publisher by: John Hunt Publishing Format Available: PDF, ePub, Mobi Total Read: 35 Total Download: 464 File Size: 46,6 Mb Description: Transurfing Reality was one of the top non-fiction bestsellers in the world in 2005 and 2006. Unknown till now in the West, the series has sold over 1,300,000 copies in Russia in three years. This translation (by Natasha Micharina) describes a new way of looking at reality, indeed of creating it.

It provides a scientific explanation of the laws that help you do this, building up a scientific model, speaking in detail about particular rules to follow and giving important how-to tips, illustrated with examples. The author introduces a system of specific terms, notions, and metaphors, which together make a truly convincing, thought-provoking theory of creating your own life. “You are ruled by circumstances and it will always be like that until you learn how to manage your reality,” says the author. Bringing together the cutting edge of modern science and philosophical teaching, the book’s style is popular-scientific, metaphorical and conversational.

Books in the series: Reality Transurfing 1: The Space of Variations; Reality Transurfing 2: A Rustle of Morning Stars; Reality Transurfing 3: Forward to the Past; Reality Transurfing 4: Ruling Reality; Reality Transurfing 5: Apples Fall to the Sky.

This booklet represents a new Russian author, Vadim Zeland, whose titles were first publi shed by VES in 2004 and became booming best-sellers immediately. Foreign rights for “Reality Transurfing” have already been sold into 6 countries, and it is obvious now that the success of these books is extraordinary. Ves Publishing Group offers translation rights for the series, and to help you learn more about Vadim Zeland and his works, we included detailed book descriptions, as well as sample chapters translated into English.

The Model is the foundation, the container and the link. It is the study of essence or the nature of all that is – in all, through all and creates all. Mind sciences is the umbrella term that includes all subjects related to the mind. Mind Science is inclusive of: 1. Brain Science because the complete study of the mind includes the study of the brain as well. Psychology and Neuroscience are interrelated. The metaphysical aspect of the mind is consciousness and the subconscious.

The physical aspect of the mind is the brain, the nervous system and the physical senses. Spiritual Science. All things psychological have a spiritual basis behind them.

Reality is ultimately the result of spiritual factors. What relates to the mind is also relates to reality. Mind affects Reality. The observer simultaneously plays a part in creating the reality he is observing.

78 Days Practical Transurfing: Based On The Work Of Vadim Zeland

The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle of consciousness states that no pure measurement is possible without creation. Mind Science integrates with Universal Science. Psychology and Physics are correlated. Developments on the leading edge of modern physics such as quantum mechanics, the new cosmology and chaos theory continue to fire the imagination with possible links between physics and the psyche.

“A union of psychology and physics seems to me entirely possible” – Jung. The Sciences of Mind are Seven. They are Psychology, Neuroscience, NLP, Hypnosis, Philosophy, Metaphysics and Parapsychology. The Seven Mind Sciences cover the corresponding Levels of Reality. – Psychological level (Psychology, NLP, Hypnosis, Philosophy) This is the level we begin when studying the mind.

We start primarily by thinking about it and contemplating on how it works. Everything subject can be fundamentaly considered as philosophy. We start primarily by thinking about something and contemplating on how it works and why it is so. This is how all science begins. We first have a concept or idea about something and then only later when the technology is developed can we deal with it in a more physically scientific way.

Philosophy is the study of the most fundamental and general concepts and principles involved in thought, action, and reality. Philosophy can be considered the very first subject of the mind. When a more definitive and total subject of the mind was developed, it became know as psychology. Psychology comes from two words: psyche and logos. Psyche is the greek word which means soul or spirit, loosely translated as mind. Logos means knowledge or study like all “logies”. The first greek letter psi in psyche is used as the international symbol for psychology.

Hence, Psychology was originally defined as: the study of the mind. Psychology is the key mind science because it is the understanding of how perception governs behaviour. How we think affects everything else. – Physical Level (Neuroscience) When human technology advanced to a level where we could perform physically scientific examination of the brain, that’s when the physical counterpart of the mind could be understood. Neuroscience provide a way for us to understand the workings of the mind from a neurological and biological viewpoint. This help us to know that every activity of the mind such as a thought or an emotion has a corresponding neurological and biological process resulting from it. – Quantum Physical Level (Metaphysics) The is the level where we study the construct of all physical reality.

We study all physical phenomena at the most minute level. The quantum level. We know that basically all things consist of matter and energy.

And since matter and energy can convert into one another, everything is fundamentally energy. The entire universe is made of pure energy. All the laws of physics describe the very nature and characteristics of physical reality. Since all physical reality is an offspring of spiritual reality, the laws of physics follow the laws of spirit.

Hence the principles of metaphysics are mirrored and understood by the principles of quantum physics. The reverse is also true. – Parapsychology and Metaphysical level (Metaphysics, Parapsychology) The highest level of the mind of the mind is the psychic level, and the study of this realm is parapsychology. This is the level where the mind is capable of doing things that seem to be beyond the boundaries of physical possibility. It is the study of phenomena that appear to contradict physical laws and suggest the possibility of causation by mental processes. Metaphysics is the branch of philosophy that examines the fundamental nature of all reality, including the relationship between mind and matter, appearance and substance, form and essence. Meta means above, beyond and behind.

Metaphysical means beyond the physical realm and into the spiritual realm. The metaphysical and physical realm are not two separate realities but they are just different levels of the same reality. To examine the nature of physical reality, we must do so from a level above it. Einstein said that we can never solve a problem in the same level of consciousness that it was created with. We have to advance to a higher level in order to overcome it. Mind Reality Model Something that exists on one level is reflected on every other level.

When you change something on one level, you change it on every other level. The rules of the higher level are above the rules of the lower level. Spiritual always governs physical. Inner always determines outer.

Outer is a reflection of inner. The four levels of reality form the model of mind reality. The aim is to prevent isolating the study the mind with a single approach and to work together with all the levels in an integrated, holistic and complete way. Complete perspective is complete knowledge and understanding. The four levels are spiritual, mental, physical and quantum. Yet the four are actually two, because the mind and spirit are one, and the physical is quantum. Yet again the two is actually one, because all things physical are manifested from the non-physical.

So in essence, all reality is pre-existentially spiritual. There are no separate realities, only different levels of the same reality. “When someone new to the field, someone not blinded by the current paradigm walks in, see what no one else sees, and offers a new paradigm. And when the new model solves problems, dilemmas, and answers questions that the current paradigm cannot, this creates the scientific revolution.” – The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. The ultimate paradigm is the unified paradigm.

This is the new Superparadigm. It is the integration of mind science with universal science. Everything at 78 Days Reality Transurfing is geared toward moving us out of the box that we’re in-even if we are not aware that we’re in a box at all.

It enables us to transcend duality: same/not same, sickness/disease, good relationship/bad relationship, abundance/lack of abundance. None of that is really true. What’s really true is that everything is readily available to you when you move past the limitations of the polarities of duality and you’ve moved to a state that we will refer to throughout the seminar as neutrality. Neutrality is new to your reality. It doesn’t mean that you don’t care about what happens to you in your life or about what happens to the people around you. What it means is that you’re transcending duality and the polarities that a duality-only mindset offers and moving to a state of neutrality, to a state of infinite possibilities–where it is not this OR this, but it is, in fact, this AND this.

There is a synergy or synthesis that takes place between those polarities that allows for transformation to occur. We will talk about, perhaps, moving into that state of neutrality where anything can happen.

78 Days Practical Transurfing

Now what happens when you move into a state of neutrality (or before moving into a state of neutrality) is the letting go of judgment and the letting go of statements like “This is the way it is because it’s always been that way” or “I have this disease and this is bad”. In physics, the judgment itself is a certainty of the collapse of the wave function into limiting it to be only that which you judged it to be. When you let go of your judgments and your assessments about situations, it automatically moves you out of the collapse of the wave function. It uncollapses that reality into a different state of possibility and allows for transformation to occur without doing anything other than noticing or observing in a different way. Find out more, tkae the. Change your Reality NOW!!!

Let me first congratulate you for coming to this page. No doubt your curiosity and desire for the truth have led you here. When so many people are content with the status quo and a life of mediocrity, you have chosen a path less traveled but far more rewarding in every sense of the word. The shackles that have once kept you from living your true potential will be cast off and you’ll soon be able to see, taste, smell, hear, and sense what real success is. Why do I know this? Because the report you’re about to read has changed my life completely and that’s why I know it will do the same for you. Let me ask you a few questions first.

– Do you want to wake up in the morning feeling 100% fulfilled? – Do you wish you could know and live your purpose everyday? – Do you fantasize about your dream career but end up going to work with dread on Mondays? – Do you feel that you are meant for something more than what your current reality holds for you? – Do you want to discover and use the full power of your mind, including both your conscious and subconscious?

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